Women Techmakers – GDG Denver


Last month I had the great opportunity to speak at the GDG Denver Women Techmakers celebration! This event was also a ‘super meetup’ with the Denver Droids.  It was a great combination of developers from different areas of the Denver tech community and a fabulous event overall!

The night started off with dinner and some wine tasting with a professional sommelier, which was a lot of fun.

There were 2 lightning talks and a longer talk.  Abby Bullock gave the first lightning talk on programming , and Margaret Spyker gave the second talk on effective team building.  They were both awesome!

I was up next with a longer talk on programming for accessibility.  People seemed really engaged in my talk, and asked phenomenal questions.  My demo app featured some Pokemon (of course!), and one attendee made the connection from my WTM Boulder talk. Haha so awesome!

I am always a little nervous when I talk about accessibility that nobody will have questions, because they might not care about it.  But, I’ve found time and time again that people are really intrigued by both the concept of an accessibility app, and the technical solutions. It was so cool to hear people mention “I didn’t even realize you could do that; I’m going to test out my apps and see how they measure up.”

Also, people asked incredible questions.  I wrote down any of the ones I’d never thought of before (or couldn’t answer), and I’m incorporating them into my 2 upcoming talks on accessibility.  My talk for DroidCon Berlin will only be 40 minutes, so I will have to do some rearranging to get the most important pieces in.  My talk for AnDevCon Boston is a talk + workshop at 75 minutes total so I will be able to incorporate even more.

Thanks for having me, Denver Droids and GDG Denver!

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